Monday, December 08, 2008

A Challenge

It's Monday. For many of us, Monday marks the beginning of an often dreaded work week. Along with the rigamaro of a 9 to 5, we are often bombarded with a number of other activities from week to week. Stress can be a real mofo. I don't have to explain that statement any further. We've all succumbed to stressors at some point. My charge to the blogosphere is to take this day (12/08/08) and make it a good one. Turn this good Monday into a good Tuesday and so forth. Have a great week! Do not let someone or something on your job get the best of you. Don't let someone or something in your personal life to get the best of you. If only for this week, set out and plan on feeling good. Know that no one can steal your joy. Your joy doesn't come from man. I am typing (talking) to myself. If something makes you feel like cussing or cutting, rearrange that energy into something positive like......blogging. I wish everyone reading a great week.

Growing up, the radio stations used to always play this song. It really is a positive song and a good start to the day.


fuzzy said...

Oh Yes this joy doesn't come from man, the world didn't give and most definitely can't take it away! bet that!

I can't exactly see me having a good day... I'm not feeling well and going through a loss. Pray my strength!

D-Place said...

I wish I had read this on Monday cuz I had to cuss a co-worker out that day. yeah I remember this song on the radio all the time too. It was a good ChaCha song..LOL